With most couples struggling hard to have a happy married life well complimented with healthy sexual relations, it’s quintessential to be in sync during the bedroom action. Due to the hectic modern day lifestyle, partners often fail to give in to the needs and demands of their mate, hence problems, sexual dissatisfaction, personal disliking and obvious loathing start brewing in their relationship.
You may try your best to counter these problems but if every discussion ends up being a heated argument, things will get even worse. Then arises a point when you start seeking pleasure or sexual gratification elsewhere and the only choice that strikes your mind is to step out of your present relationship. Well, the phenomenon of getting sexually intimate with someone, other than your married partner, is nothing new. And in India, this scenario has only moved to a bigger level in the past decade. Having an extra marital affair cannot do any good to your current relationship.
Reasons that may lead to extra marital affair:
SEXUAL DISSATISFACTION: The major reason why you would decide to form a physical relation outside your marriage is because of ‘sexual dissatisfaction’. When you are not getting the desired enjoyment from your wife or husband, you do not feel the urge of getting intimate in bed. This forces an individual to hunt for sexual gratification with another partner. Several studies have indicated that a female tends to move out of her married relationship when there is sexual discontent and her partner cannot satisfy her sexual needs whereas the reason why men look out for another woman is certainly due to their wish to feel the change and get more excitement with a new partner. Also when a male is unable to perform well in bed, it is the fear, complex and stigma to face his partner that pushes him to isolate himself, which may or may not lead to an extra marital affair. However, females usually do not get any inferiority complex if their sexual performance is not up to the mark yet they try to improve their acts and remain close to their husband.
UNHAPPY ABOUT PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: The way you and your partner look often affects your sexual life. Be it the case that you are not confident about your looks or the other way round that your partner doesn’t have a pleasing personality, in both cases, there will be an evident discomfort during lovemaking. To get rid of this, individuals often look out for a suitable mate in terms of looks and physical appearance, which allows them perform better in bed.
SEXUAL BOREDOM: Another very common reason to estrange your present partner and indulge with someone else is out of sheer boredom. After years of marriage, couples often start missing the fun and thrill which initially existed in their relation. As a result, they seek excitement elsewhere. This case of cheating on your partner is purely out of an experiment and an urge to give a boost to your sexual performance by getting out of the daily boredom.
INCAPABILITY TO FULFILL SEX FANTASIES: Many a times, when you are unable to meet the sexual expectations of your partner, it instills a feeling of being imperfect in bed. This not only lowers your libido but also forces you to gain that sexual perfection to be able to understand your partner’s sexual desires. Hence, many individuals get involve with a second partner to put their desperation on rest.
The reason for extramarital affairs can be on or a combination of any of the above scenarios. It is important to identify these signals before they become a serious problem and are nipped in the bud because they will certainly lead to disharmony in not only your intimate relationship with your partner but will also an unpleasant atmosphere in your family. In my next post I will address how extramarital affairs can affect your relationship and some ways to avoid getting entangled in them.
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Tagged as: extramarital affairs, marriage