ü Bloating
ü Belching and gas
ü Nausea and vomiting
ü An acidic taste in your mouth
ü Fullness during or after a meal
ü Growling stomach
ü Burning in your stomach or upper belly
ü Belly pain
Ø These symptoms might be worse when you’re stressed. If you swallow too much air when you eat, that can make belching and bloating worse. People often have indigestion along with heartburn (a burning feeling deep in the chest), which happens when stomach acids rise into the esophagus but no more worries for you because we have developed a Unani formulae i.e; Acikill capsule for this hectic issue to cure gastric problems that is most common in today's generation
Ø Indigestion is a term that describes a feeling of fullness or discomfort in the upper abdomen. Signs of indigestion may be vague but can also include belching, heartburn, bloating, and nausea. Also called dyspepsia (and non-acid dyspepsia), it is a common symptom caused by many conditions and is not a disease into itself. Acikill capsules are most popular in this category to prevent from these emerging issues that causes severe effects sometimes when proper diagnose will not be taken.
Ø If you’re the type of person who keeps Rolaids in her pocket and Pepto-Bismol in her desk drawer, consider adding Acikill capsule in your pocket. Since what we eat and drink (especially dairy products, sugar, alcohol, and coffee) often triggers gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea, how better to treat these common gastrointestinal problems, herbalists say, than by ingesting these herbs naturally offset the culprits.
Ø Medically known as dyspepsia, indigestion is a gastrointestinal problem people commonly complaint about. Its symptoms can be bloating, belching, burning sensation and nausea. Gas and indigestion are problems occurring from the secretion of the digestive juices in our stomach. When the acid present in the stomach begins to irritate the lining of the stomach or reaches to our esophagus, commonly known as acid reflux, one experiences discomfort and a burning sensation in chest and stomach. At this moment our herbal remedy will help you to cure from gastric problems and indigestion completely with our extremely workable Acikill Capsule. While indigestion and gas can be a result of eating spicy or oily food or overeating, at times it also signals towards an underlying serious problem.
Ø Burning sensation in the stomach due to excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCL) may corrode the inner lining of stomach, and badly affected the other parts of digestive system. Prolonged acidity can cause chronic indigestion, arthritis, gout, IBS, ulcers etc. How to control acidity is one of the very important questions where Herbal products can play effective roles in prevention of it.
Acikill Herbal Capsule helps in digestion by exerting carminative, antispasmodic, anti-flatulent and antacid actions.
Acikill Capsule is a natural digestive stimulant, which increases the digestibility of all food groups through its bile secretion enhancing and digestive enzyme-stimulating actions. It aids in healthy nourishment as it improves the assimilation of digested nutrients.
Modern lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits lead to different stomach and intestinal diseases and disorders. Heartburn, hyperacidity and ulcer are few of the stomach disorders that can be cure through herbal remedies. Herbal remedies will provides instant relief, yet improves digestion and facilitates internal cleansing too.