Your health can be negatively affected by high levels of stress and to cope up with it there isn’t any need for you to visit a spa or massage center. Instead follow some simple ways of reducing stress.
Stress is a part of life, and it may seem that you can’t do anything to get relief from it. The bills won’t stop coming, and you also can’t run off your responsibilities towards your career and family. These emotional strains and tensions are linked to numerous health issues including high blood pressure, migraine, headache, heart disease, diabetes, and an impaired immune system.
According to various reports men who experience high levels of stress may struggle with insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. These issues sometimes force them to opt for unhealthy choices like smoking, drinking, overeating, or drug abuse. So, there is a need to accept the responsibility for the role you play in maintaining the situations, which can be achieved by proper stress management.
ways to reduce stress:
It’s normal that people push themselves to the peak by overworking and excess thinking, which dampen their productivity and also hinder relationships. But there are numerous ways that will help you deal with the situation. These are as follows:
Be an early bird:
A study has revealed that getting up earlier in the morning proves to be efficient. It has also shown that people who get up early feel more relaxed and fresh, and also attain greater career success, and reap higher wages than those who start their day later. So, make a routine of getting up early to fall under the mentioned category.
Meditation provides mental calmness and also produces positivity. It is recommended by experts to practice meditation a few minutes a day, as it helps easing anxiety. Studies have also shown that daily meditation alters the brain’s neural pathways, making you more pliant to stress. To meditate you need to follow these instructions:
- Sit up straight with both feet on the floor
- Close your eyes
- Now, place your hand on your belly and focus on reciting out loud or silently positive mantras with deep breaths
- Vanquish distracting thoughts
Deep breathing:
Deep breathing practice is one of the best stress management techniques. You can get utmost benefits by performing deep breathing. It helps you slow your breathing and also enlightens the focus. Moreover, it is advised to practice deep breathing at a regular time and in a quiet place where you will find calmness. Make sure to loose or remove any tight clothes you have on. To perform deep breathing exercises follow simple tips:
- Sit in a chair that supports your head or lie on the floor
- Place your arms on the chair arms, or flat on the floor
- If you’re lying down, stretch your legs and keep them hip-width apart or slightly wider. In case you’re sitting in a chair, don’t cross your legs.
- Now, you need to fill up your lungs with air slowly
- Make sure to breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth
- Repeat the process for a few times
- Keep doing the breathing process until you feel calm
Do some exercise:
Getting indulged in any form of physical exercise like walking, running or practicing yoga can ease depression and anxiety. Performing any of these exercises can help the brain release feel-good chemicals, helping you deal with stress, enhance self-esteem, improve mood, and increase energy levels.
Get enough sleep:
To combat stressful situations, researchers have stated that people should eat proper nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals along with seven to eight hours of sound sleep. Because adequate sleep provides relaxation to the mind and also helps relieve stress that isn’t possible after having disrupted sleep.
Be positive:
Be your mentor by talking positively to yourself and others too. To increase emotional comfort, it’s paramount to practice reassuring and motivating self-talks.
Reward yourself:
It is necessary to self-motivate, and it can be possible by paying yourself. You can favor yourself with something good like a movie ticket or a weekend getaway after accomplishing a personal goal or completing a major project. Doing this will rejuvenate your mood and also makes you refresh for other stuff.
Be a part of a religious community:
Studies have proved engaging in some religious activities provide inner satisfaction and relaxation. You can contribute to the religious community by lending a helping hand. For more information click here