One of the most frequently asked questions that I get are regarding masturbation and it’s so called ill effects. Myths about masturbation are something that has been around for centuries, being handed down from one generation to another. These myths have the effect of making a lot people especially among the younger generation, imagining they to have problems where none exist. Here a few of these myths.
1. Masturbation is harmful for your health: The act of masturbation is as natural as making love, and, just like sexual intercourse it does not have any adverse effects on your health. That it causes acne, impotence, dark circles around the eyes etc are just unfounded assumptions and are not correct.
2. Only the young masturbate: In fact, masturbation is a lifelong sexual activity. Surveys regularly show that anywhere from 70 to 95% of adult men and women masturbate. And while this may slow down as we age, many of us continue masturbating into our golden years. One survey of 800 adults over 60 found that that 46% of them masturbated, another found that 20% of seniors masturbated once a week or more. Masturbation isn’t just for the young, nor is it an “immature” form of sexual behavior.
3. Only men have the need to masturbate: Statistics seem to show that men indulge in masturbation much more than women, the most obvious reason for this, is not that women don’t need to masturbate, but because most women who indulge in it don’t report this in a survey, because of the negative attitude that our society has towards female masturbation. There is no scientific fact to back this myth. It is as natural for females to masturbate as it is for the males.
4. Only people of single status masturbate: This myth is totally unfounded as stats show that most people who are in a relationship indulge in masturbation. The need to masturbate has got nothing to do with a person’s relationship status. Again the unfounded social attitude about this act only makes people indulge in it privately and without their partner’s knowledge.
5. Regular masturbation is bad: Is regular sexual intercourse bad for you? Then how can masturbation be bad for you as it only mimics the sexual act. One can masturbate up to a couple of times a day with no ill effects. You just need to be aware about the difference between excessive masturbation and compulsive masturbation. The latter can lead to a few problems (mainly psychological), if you fell that you masturbate compulsively, then it is a good idea to contact a sexual health expert.
6. Masturbation can lead to curvature of penis: No, masturbation has got nothing to do with the curvature of the penis.
7. Only certain kinds of people masturbate: By now I think you can probably imagine this myth has no foundation whatsoever. In fact research shows that it is a common activity across all strata of society, religious beliefs etc. Most people have masturbated in their life and the majority of these continue to do so.
So now you know there are no harmful effects of masturbation (except in a few exceptions like that of compulsive or obsessive masturbation), and that it is actually a very healthy psychological and physical sexual out let for your body.
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Tagged as: lifestyle, masturbation, sex problems, sex tips, sexual health